Friday, July 6, 2012


 Guaranteed Benefits
Psalms 103:2
. . . and forget not His benefits.  

      What do you need ?
 Have you ever stopped to asked yourself this question?
 Most the time you are so busy meeting the needs of others that you don't ever pause for the answers.
 Yes plural, answers. Multiple. Numerous
Do you realize whose you are? 
And do you know what your desirability really is? 
Fortune Five Hundred listings can't list all of the individuals who have benefited from such success. 
 The ING Group, Edward Jones, neither Charles Schwab Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, Merril Lynch, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, UBS Ag, can neither top the investment that has been measured into you and your families. And do you have any idea who does the investing, share holding etc ? Only if you knew, shaking my head with disbelief. I want to give you a eagle's eye view of how you should be viewing yourself.

The value in you is so magnificent so incredibly awesome that it has to be concealed until the time of the GREAT reveal.  What you do is kind for people. But there comes a time when you have to pause for self assement. When needed you can get fully dressed for an occasion and look the part of "pulled together".  But you are not fully convinced that your hands have actually touched the reality of who you really are. You are still playing the guessing game. You are sort of wondering.
(you name here) You are so important that a special group of people have been organized for your benefit. They are well trained to ensure that you are well taken care of . You have hired agents to manage everything that you need or want, to help keep the pestilence and robbers away.  You are surrounded by security; warring angels, who don't take no for an answer.  There is a handbook that has to be read and understood by everyone that you are involved with, because they must to speak the language. There can't be no misunderstandings when it comes to how you are treated and spoken to. 
And all of those 401 K's, Insurance, Degrees, Policies of various types, Stocks, Home Equity are only tips of the iceberg of what you own as a family member and what your true market value really is.  There is an Executive that has put His All on your behalf.  He already knows that you are victorious, and that you have won. He knows that there is no good thing that he will withhold from you, as you continue to walk as circumspectly as possible. He genuine loves you and has set up funds and properties for what ever you want and where ever you go. Just ask but you have to include His son's name, because everyone has to acknowledge His son, JESUS.
There is no need to try and determine if you are eligible, qualified, justified, or worthy of all of his special gifts and kindness, because you aren't. But know that you are so blessed to be a part of His Superior Corporation, and that even if you could think it, it has already been managed and provided.
Equally all of your iniquities are forgiven;  diseases are healed ; your life is saved from destruction; you are crowned with loving kindness and tender mercies; your mouth is satisfied with good things from the best; so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's. When you need righteousness and judgment it is executed for your oppressed moments, satisfied! He made known His ways unto His Most Trusted Executives Moses, Isaac Jacob Abraham, and His acts to the children of Israel.
Your Investor is so merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy. He will not always scold: neither will he keep His anger forever. He has not dealt with you after your sins; nor rewarded you according to our iniquities. He is not trying to pay you back for all of your mistakes, but He is kind like you wouldn't believe. For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is His mercy toward them that fear Him.  As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from you.

God is your redeemer, your Father, your guide, your friend, your Provider, your very present help in the time of trouble. He gave His only begotten son who came from Heaven to earth.
Born to die leaving us as HIS Guaranteed benefactors, He will richly reward those who desire to identify themselves and stand up to receive their heritage from the King their Father.

By Alethea J. Brown 

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