Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases; Who redeemeth thy life. . . . Psalms 103:2(but read it all)

How Does He Love Us?
 Let's begin to count the ways 
1, 2, 3, ~

     Brian McKnight sings a song,  "Back At One" and really only gets to about the number four while counting the ways.  But with God, His Benefits are enumerous. And for His ladies He hs never stopped counting. 
      He first made us out of a man's rib that had already been created in His own image.  He created man from dust, and no offense men. But he used the warm part of a prepared man to create (wo)man. Single women don't waste time with a man that is not prepared by the hands of our Creator.  The word prepared means "ready", made read manufactured, by God.  That also means tried by the fire, molded by the hands, spirit renewed. And you can only know if you are in place.
     And then secondly, He forgives us of all of our iniquities. All the wrongs we do and can't even keep count of them.  God has forgiven them.  And we continue to experience His bountiful mercy and grace every moment that we live.  His mercies are new every morning.
     Thirdly, He heals us from all of our diseases, "the scripture says all."  What physical condition do you have that you'd like God to heal? Do you have high blood pressure, diabetes, AIDS, HIV, or any other sexually transmitted disease? What about a blood disorder, MS, fibromyalgia, or even cancer to name a few?  Well, His Word declares that He can heal us, if we only ask and believe.  He wants us to totally depend on Him for all of our problems that we are going through, and He even included the sickness and pain that we have.  He healed the lepers, the woman with the issue of blood, and he got Lazarus up from the dead after a few days, he raised Tabitha, and many many more.  Add your name to the list and believe for the Supernatural results of healing and help from God. 
     And then fourthly, He redeems our lives from destruction and crowned us with loving kindness and tender mercies. And we have only scratched the surface of His benefits towards us. There has to be an account when you were doing something or going somewhere and all of a sudden things just changed and it wasn't for the good.  But somehow someway, you escaped the situation without any harm.  And to this day you are telling people, I don't really know how I made it out, but it had to be God.  Well, add this one and  all the others to the list.  He loves you and is waiting on you to turn towards Him and say I trust you. And that you are willing to let Him lead the way.  Because He has the foresight and understanding about what you really need on this journey called life. Say yes, to His Will, and yes to His Way and watch how things turn out in your favor.
     So what do we owe Him in return for all of these wonderful things that He has done and is doing in our lives.? We can never repay Him but we can give Him our lives in humble submission to His Great Plan.

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