Monday, November 24, 2014

 212 Single Moms
#Power #Love #Sound Mind
~I AM that I AM
Ezekiel 47

          Ruth Woman, while praying Sunday morning for a clear understanding of a passage this is what I heard. 
Be encouraged. 
Please accept my apology for the late post as it has been a little tough to remain 
on schedule. 
But I am believing GOD for daily on-time posts in the future. 
2:12 p.m 
Alethea J. Brown, Grateful, Author, Blogger, MOM
*Writing to you through the HEART of GOD by FAITH.<3 br="">

Thus says the LORD
I AM the waters I Am the waters
What do you have need of ?
Speak it out loud
The overflow
The abundance
The latter and the former rain the overflow
The exceeding above what you ask or think
I am What you've been seeking
I am He that you've waited on
The overflow
The maximum
Do you have vessels that are ready to receive?

Cast your cares for He cares

Rivers of waters that overflow
I am power to heal
I am HE that delivers
I am that sets free
I am Greater is He
I am New life
I am Oasis
I am Power to tread on serpents
I am the transforming stream
I am the healing life giving stream
I am the transforming stream
I am the transforming inheritance
I am More than enough extreme amount
Rich ruler
When you inherit Me you change
You can't be the same
You can't contain what I put in you
It will flow out into and nourish what I please,to be a blessing to my people
Hallelujah this is the word of the LORD
The LIFE giving stream
Able to do exceedingly abundantly above what you can say or think
This is the word if the LORD

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