Saturday, October 18, 2014

Photo: All Praises unto the #GODwhocanHEAL.  As I think about #GOD"sAWESOMEABILITYtoHELP I get excited. Why don't we all take a pause and ask HIM to #HEALEBOLA in #UNITY with our hearts leaning towards HIM as one. I pray that you have touched HIS HEM today. And if not what ever #yourconcerns that you have HE can HEAL them too as we all agree. With HIS LOVE and PEACE I say THANK YOU GOD. Please READ and SHARE. 
212 Single Moms
#Power #Love #Sound Mind
Psalm 91:10 .
          Ruth Woman, today I'd like to dedicate today's post to African and the Ebola outbreak as well as those few here in the USA. As I laid down to rest last night I heard "Ebola" at least 10 or more times. And even on the prayer line there was prayer offered for those who are suffering. I believe that the response is tardy to a large nation of people who were dropping dead ill. And now after 3,000 plus lives lost then the government responds. Our nation responds quicker with aid to hurricane disasters, tornadoes and floods etc,.  What happened ? These are human lives. 
I'm so glad the we have a #GOD who sits high and looks low as my grandparents would say. 
 I'd like to share what the #HOLY SPIRIT gave me after prayer about two to three weeks ago.
I prayed about the disease and I heard clearly the HOLY SPIRIT say,  "EBOLA" was #"DONE", #"FINISHED" in JESUS's MIGHTY MATCHLESS NAME.  AI #STAND firmly on what I've heard the #HOLYSPIRITSPEAK to me that evening. 
  Psalm 91:10 kjv There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. And the scripture says in James 5:16 to Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
Please take a pause to ask GOD at this moment to ask #GODsPERFECTWILL and #HEALING. There is power in UNISON and in it we have #GREATSTRENGTHT. Psalm 91:7 says that A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.  I thank you with an humble heart for taking out the time to pray a simple prayer for #AFRICA specifically and our #NATIONS wellness from #EBOLA.  
             FATHER GOD, we acknowledge you as #HEALER. And we are coming to YOU at this moment to asking for healing comfort and peace for the women, men, children of Africa suffering with #EBOLA. And GOD please don't forget about our other NATIONS. Forgive us for our sin and transgressions towards  YOU.  We thank YOU for expedited healing and recovery and NATIONAL support for the people in #AFRICA. FATHER please #HAVEMERCYOHGOD. Thank YOU for #MEDICALSUPPLIES, #FOOD, #DOCTORS and #NATIONALAID for whatever their needs are. We honor and reverence YOU ALMIGHTY for the things that you are doing and going to to in JESUSs NAME. And we thank YOU in ADVANCE for the #REPORTs of #HEALING and #PEACE. AMEN. HALLELUJAH !!! 
Alethea J. Brown, Grateful, Author, Blogger, MOM
*Writing to you through the HEART of GOD by FAITH.<3
All Praises unto the #GODwhocanHEAL. As I think about #GOD"sAWESOMEABILITYtoHELP I get excited. Why don't we all take a pause and ask HIM to #HEALEBOLA in #UNITY with our hearts leaning towards HIM as one. I pray that you have touched HIS HEM today. And if not what ever #yourconcerns that you have HE can HEAL them too as we all agree. With HIS LOVE and PEACE I say THANK YOU GOD. Please READ and SHARE.
212 Single Moms
#Power #Love #Sound Mind
Psalm 91:10 .
Ruth Woman, today I'd like to dedicate today's post to African and the Ebola outbreak as well as those few here in the USA. As I laid down to rest last night I heard "Ebola" at least 10 or more times. And even on the prayer line there was prayer offered for those who are suffering. I believe that the response is tardy to a large nation of people who were dropping dead ill. And now after 3,000 plus lives lost then the government responds. Our nation responds quicker with aid to hurricane disasters, tornadoes and floods etc,. What happened ? These are human lives.
I'm so glad the we have a #GOD who sits high and looks low as my grandparents would say.
I'd like to share what the #HOLY SPIRIT gave me after prayer about two to three weeks ago.
I prayed about the disease and I heard clearly the HOLY SPIRIT say, "EBOLA" was #"DONE", #"FINISHED" in JESUS's MIGHTY MATCHLESS NAME. AI #STAND firmly on what I've heard the #HOLYSPIRITSPEAK to me that evening.
Psalm 91:10 kjv There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. And the scripture says in James 5:16 to Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
Please take a pause to ask GOD at this moment to ask #GODsPERFECTWILL and #HEALING. There is power in UNISON and in it we have #GREATSTRENGTHT. Psalm 91:7 says that A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. I thank you with an humble heart for taking out the time to pray a simple prayer for #AFRICA specifically and our #NATIONS wellness from #EBOLA.
FATHER GOD, we acknowledge you as #HEALER. And we are coming to YOU at this moment to asking for healing comfort and peace for the women, men, children of Africa suffering with #EBOLA. And GOD please don't forget about our other NATIONS. Forgive us for our sin and transgressions towards YOU. We thank YOU for expedited healing and recovery and NATIONAL support for the people in #AFRICA. FATHER please #HAVEMERCYOHGOD. Thank YOU for #MEDICALSUPPLIES, #FOOD, #DOCTORS and #NATIONALAID for whatever their needs are. We honor and reverence YOU ALMIGHTY for the things that you are doing and going to to in JESUSs NAME. And we thank YOU in ADVANCE for the #REPORTs of #HEALING and #PEACE. AMEN. HALLELUJAH !!!
Alethea J. Brown, Grateful, Author, Blogger, MOM
*Writing to you through the HEART of GOD by FAITH.

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