Monday, October 27, 2014

Greetings fellow Facebookians lol.  Hello and thank you for understanding me taking a "Post Pause". I feel better thanks. Today at the very last minute the Holy SPIRIT gave me a nudge to advance my post. I hope that it enlightens and spurs you to your next LEVEL in CHRIST. A small percentage COUNTS. Love and PEACE.
212 Single Moms
#Power #Love #SoundMind
~ no F.E.A.R.
 Fervently, Faithfully, Eradicating, Anxiety & Regulating 
        Ruth Woman, I was done with the acronym F. E. A. R. (False Evidence Appearing Real). Because how was this GREAT revelation to DELIVER me out of where I was. Sure it helped me to identify what I was faced with but this F.E.A.R did not really prepare me for an action. It only named the disease if you will.  I needed to be moving toward my finish at least 1 step (HE will make 2 steps) place. BUT this F. E. A. R ( Fervently, Faithfully, Eradicating, Anxiety & and Regulating The MIND) actually puts me into the M.O.V.E. MODE.  With the help of the Holy SPIRIT M.O.V.E. means Mandating an Overt Vehement Engagement. Now I am actively INvolved pass FEAR as an OVERCOMER.   #Ferverently #Faithfully, #Eradicate, #Anxiety and #Regulate the mind daily. When we think about #F.E.A.R. we should immediately cast it out. We should destroy any thing that resembles F.E.A.R.. Fear should be like a BIGBUG in your home. When you see it spray it with #BugSpray or catch it and #tossitout. Do it by any means necessary #RID YOUR SPIRIT of IT.  Keep your mind on JESUS and HIS PROMISES. TRUST HIM and BELIEVE HIM in #everything that we do.  We #know without a doubt that HISPLANS are for #ourbenefit.  And if we allow fear to stay it can hinder. Thanks be to GOD who determines the outcome of our lives. HE gives us peace in the midst it all. #HISPERFECTLOVE casts out fear. FEAR NOT !!!!

Alethea J Brown, Grateful, Author, Blogger, Mom

*Writing to you through the HEART of GOD by FAITH. <3 br=""> Isaiah 41:10 Fear not; for I am with you: be not dismayed; for I am your God: I will strengthen you; yea, I will help you; yea, I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness.

Luke 2:10 And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.

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