Thursday, July 12, 2012

Serving Isn't Easy But Rewarding

I am listening to T D Jakes Sunday service. I have been on and off since early this morning. And I just heard the heart of the message about serving, it is so significant for me right now. I met a lady that God brought into my life years ago and asked me to pray for her (she struggled with drugs and stuff walked the street).(I shared my book "Woman Thou Art loosed" by T D Jakes with her and she said she loved it. When she saw me the other day, she leaned in and whispered in my ear and said "I'm still drug free". (she was dressed and holding her head up smiling). She thanked me for stopping to speak and hugged me. But I wanted to thank her for reminding me "why" I was on the journey. Because it got hard, people were cruel, people threw stones, tears flowed many nights and I didn't want to encourage another soul . . . but "None the less not my will, but thine God." The journey isn't for us and it ain't about us. Although people make it seem that way these days. One note :: People say you have to love you to love someone else, I say, You have to Love God because everyone that He chose were not very ambitious, confident, or eager to go. He encouraged them or sent someone to the scene to remind them that they were capable.
Thank God for Jesus because it could have been me.

Enjoy your day FB

Remember whatever you put out it will return. Sometimes it is the least of them.

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