Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Refreshing Place . . . The Oasis Isaiah 40:28-31

A Refreshing Place . . . The Oasis

Isaiah 40:28-31

If He is the Living Word, then there will never be any (hunger) for ANYTHING. What do you need?
What do you want?
Then why act in desperation, as if there is no Provision. Hold on and keep your eye on The Redeemer, Provider, The Rich Ruler, Awesome God, Faithful Father who always takes care of His Daughter and His Grandchildren.
Fret not yourselves because of evil, for it will be soon be cut off. And you will be in a place and wondering, "How I got over? ) Rejoice there is an Outstretched Hand that is Able to exceedingly above all that we can ask or think!

Yes God !!

Single Moms we need help in all these daily tasks ~ But there is none like the Hand of the Almighty who comes strong to our aid. Reach out to Him with your heart asking Him to heal those places where we were wronged. Let's ask Him to help us in the areas when we hurt someone.
His Strength can lift you up from Low Places, reach and take you to His High Places, keep you from harm when danger is near. We have the Best Help, although a mate seems better, "They that wait shall renew their strength (Isaiah 40:31)." There is a refreshing needed before you get into a new (place or relationships with people). There is no one who can wine and dine you like our Father.

Daddy's Girls

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