Saturday, November 14, 2009

M.essages U.sed S.pecifically I.n C.risis

Have you ever been in a crisis, and all of a sudden you could hear a favorite tune?
It must have been an angel that whispered the song.
The message is clear to me in the song. Each sentence, every note, the melody was created for this moment in time. And now I am singing instead of worrying. How wonderful was it that a writer sat down and followed his heart and now it is healing mine. The place or time that it was penned is insignificant, but every note, bar, the key, and all the words were written just for me. There were tough times, but I thank God for the messages that were used specifically for me in crisis.
A writer wrote, It Is Well; when peace like a river attended my way, when sorrow like sea billows roll, whatever my lot, He has taught me to say, it is well, it is well with my soul. It is the peace and certainty that surrounds me during difficult times, while singing this song, that encourages patience, comfort and the reassurance that everything would be okay. There has always been a message for my crisis, they were already experienced and well written.
Sing, hum, whistle even if it is way out of tune, then comes the "Son", to heal whatever hurts.

Yours Truly,

Alethea J Brown

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