Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Has "He" Seen You Naked?

And he said, Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten of the tree, that I commanded that you should not eat?
Genesis 3:11

Single Mothers,
where were you when He first saw you naked?
Did you try to hide?
Did you cover yourself with the branches, or cloth?
There is no longer a reason
to be ashamed.
God wants to see you naked before Him.
He wants to see you exposed, bare, and natural.
Don't be afraid to let Him see you.
He made us and He knows us inside out.
If we would just consult Him about our true naked selves, He could love us and teach us to be more confident in Him.
He is our Creator, He can heal us.
Show Him the scars, and bruises of life.
Tell Him how they hurt, and ask Him to cover you with His blood.
God is such a loving God, that He will touch, and He will heal all of those hurting places.
Take off, shame
Take off disappointments
Take off anger,
your whoreish ways,
excessive drinking
take off self destruction
take off stress
take off the old and put on the new.
Go ahead, strip, take it off ,
Take it all off.

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