Friday, November 12, 2010

"I Expect You"

"I Expect You"
Isaiah 40:31

I expect You . . to touch me with Your Creative Hands, that will shape and prove Your Love for my life.
I expect You . . . to embrace and hold me with Your Arms encapsulating me to ensure my confidence in You and Your Ability to serve me
I expect You . . . to provide today like You do so wonderfully every day with Provisions for the delicate needs and desires of my feminine frailty
I expect You to kiss me with Your Everlasting Life that will last an Eternity giving me an exuberance filled with joy laughter and peace
I expect You . . . to shelter me from the storms of life that comes unexpectedly with terrible destruction bringing peril in it's fierce path.
I expect You . . . to Love me with an unconditional love that saturates the woman that I am and that You recreate so tenderly moment by moment each day without fail.
I expect You . . . to arrive to the most intimate places as I call for Your Unfailing Love for me, Your Woman in the time of help and indecision, when I am feeling the most vulnerable.
I expect You . . . when my heart is panting desperately in need of the Spiritual Revival and Renewal that only Your Deep and Amazing Love can satisfy in me
I have come to a place that I long for You and I want to know You more, I expect You so I rise to receive You
Welcome into my heart.
Written By Alethea J. Brown
Author, Mom, Blogger, Illustrator and Psalmist