Thursday, July 8, 2010

When We Share Sincerely . . .

When We Share Sincerely . . .
We can reach others right where they are.

Written By Alethea J. Brown

B4 I say goodnight.
Someone shared this title with me, "Starbucks Saved My Life." We never know where we might end up or who we will meet. There are "surprises", "suddenlies", "oh My Gods", "serendipity(s)" everywhere. People are experiencing them each moment of the day.
The moments don't have an identity, although they do manifest similar characteristics of the human.
They warm hearts, create smiles and change lives; they light the room even.
The moments even open up locked places that were meant to be protected and treasured forever. But now, they have very little value to us anymore. Yet, they still have a significance in our former lives (the past).
Thank you FB Friends and whatever you do, don’t stop sharing with your hearts, we never know when our moment will come.

Love and Gratitude,

Yours Truly,
Alethea J. Brown

p.s. You really do have a Master Key to my heart . . . because every time you share its opens up and I smile again and again.

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Monday, July 5, 2010

Miss Brown's Book Nook

Take A Look !

Miss Brown's Book Nook

"From Kinder to College"

Written By Alethea J. Brown

Illustrated By Deirdre S. Brown