Thursday, October 29, 2009


Congratulations !!!

First, thank you all for joining in and being a part of a worthy cause,

Breast Cancer Awareness.

I am glad that we were able to spread a little joy.
All of you ladies were great, thanks for your encouragement, smiles, and comments,
they meant a lot.

And the



Regina Fetherson


Lisa Carroll

Your support is greatly appreciated.

Thank you

Alethea J. Brown

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Cancer Awareness and Giveaway


Hello, I just wanted to take a moment and say,

"you are being thought of dear Cancer Survivors", and family to those who lost the battle.
There is so much emphasis during the month of October, but I understand that this is an everyday fight for you.

. . . Don't Wimp Out!
Isaiah 40:29-31

Fight with every fiber of your being.

I just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you and am asking God's Comfort, during your walk through.


Friday, October 16, 2009

You Were Nothing, Until You Met Him

But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousness are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.

Isaiah 64:6

You Were Nothing, Until You Met Him

Now you are wearing Jimmy Choo,
Marc Jacobs
on your pretty manicured feet.
You Hold your head up high and not to see Him and His Glory,
but to avoid seeing those that might remind you of who you were,
as you step over them.
You Were Nothing, Until You Met Him
Your hands are delicate yes, and really pretty too.
You've chosen beautiful colors, and rich hues of paint, and have adorned your hands with bold jewelry.
But they are too precious to even reach for Him,
Massage Him,
Caress Him,
Hold Him,
in all of His Strength and Might.

You Were Nothing, Until You Met Him

Your delicate lips are shaded with rich tones for a queen,
glistening with the shades of rubies, sapphires, diamonds, golds, and bronze.
And you don't say kind things to Him,
smile at Him,
call Him
talk to Him
laugh with Him
You won't even Kiss Him.

You Were Nothing, Until You Met Him

You were
and sad
But now you are
One with Him,
Daughter of Destiny
fearfully and wonderfully made




What A Creation !!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Then Miriam the prophetess, sister of Aaron, took the timbrel in her hand; and all the women went out after her with timbrels and with dances.

Exodus 15:20

Will You Dance For Him?

You've already entered His Room,
waiting anxiously for His Arrival.
Your heart is beating fast, pulse racing, thoughts are rapid throughout your head;
you are waiting to dance for Him.
It's all new;
dancing before Him.
Which dance will you offer as a sacrifice ?
Will He love you more or at all?
Will you wave a banner of victory?
Or will you wear sackcloth of shame?
Will you run and jump as you praise His Awesome and Magnificent Name?

Every fiber of your existence is because of Him
You move and follow His Heart as a Master of Dance.
You sway and bow and bend toward to earth, like a palm in a storm
For every movement, He asks you for more and more.
Your hearts desire is to give Him all of you,
each time that He asks.
You know that you are no longer your own as you dance before Him,
dressed in your fine, white silks, and linens
You are as One Spirit, as you rush towards freedom in Him

Woman! You Dance !

Dance with everything that you've got
Go before Him and give Him your all
Offer Him a dance that is
and beautiful
unashamed of who He has called you to be with Him.
A dance to
fill up
to challenge
You are His and there will never be another like Him
Give Him
your all
your everything,

Dance Woman!

I command you to Dance before Him!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Friday, October 2, 2009

When Was The Last Time That You Let Him Touch You ?

For thus said the LORD of hosts, after his glory sent me to the nations who plundered you, for he who touches you touches the apple of his eye:

Zechariah 2:8

When was the last time that you let Him touch you?
When you wake up in the morning, and He reaches for you,
You are up and out of bed, attending to the things of the day
never looking back,
Now you are in the middle of your day
and He stops by for lunch, desiring to enjoy one intimate moment with you,
And you tell Him, while in a hurry, "I'm sorry, not today
I just don't have the time." "I have meetings, required deadlines and mandatory overtime."
He so loves you and
is wanting to touch you,
your mouth,
your hands,
your feet.

He wants to caress your heart,
gently rub your hair and your skin.
It reminds Him of the day you met,
the moment He first touched you.
He massaged and molded the tender most part of a man to create you,
And He has stood by your side all this time,
and you won't let Him touch you.
He wants your tenderness
He needs your heart
He savors the times,
that you've reached for Him
He is even better when you desire to touch Him
His masculine touch is what you've needed.
If you would only submit for just a moment to enjoy what He has created.
It's soothing,
It's loving,
It's tender
It's healing,
It's restoration,
It's healing,
It's relaxing
It's all you need as His woman,
He has created you to be sensitive to His touch,
It will make you new again.
Let Him touch you. . . right there.